Web Development


  • Introduction to CSS
  • ID, Class & Tag Selector
  • Combinators & Display
  • Typography (em & rem)
  • Boarder & Spacing
  • Flex & Float
  • Position
  • Pseudo Classes & Pseudo Elements
  • CSS Transformation & Animation
  • Media Tags, Embed & Fonts
  • Media Queries


  • Introduction to HTML
  • Editors for Coding
  • HTML Basic Layout
  • HTML Head
  • HTML ELEMENTS & Attributes
  • BLOCK & INLINE Elements
  • HTML Symbols
  • HTML Forms
  • Input Types & attributes
  • HTML 5 Local Storage


  • Introduction to JQuery
  • JQuery Selectors
  • Add/Remove Classes
  • Hide/ Show Functions
  • JQuery Events
  • JQuery Effects
  • JQuery Traversing
  • JQuery Animate
  • Create Accordion
  • Create Tabs & Dropdown Navigation
  • Popup Modal
  • Parralax Effects


  • Introduction to WordPress
  • Creating website with WordPress
  • WordPress Themes
  • Layout Design in WordPress
  • Managing Content in WordPress

Bootstrap (Latest Version)

  • Downloading & Linking Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Tables & Forms
  • Navigation
  • Cords, Dropdown & Toggle
  • Inputs & Buttons
  • Progress Bars & Spinners
  • Carousel & Models
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